Your radio goes visual

Automate the production of your shows

Transform your existing radio studio
with StudioTalk

Jump in automated or manual video production, brand your channel, manage your content, enrich your offer and broadcast live!

Build your studio

BCE’s experts can support you in designing or transforming your studio with the integration of cameras, lights, screens and a sound system, all interconnected with StudioTalk.

Manage your content

StudioTalk comes with a smart content management system that allows your team to access your content, create playlists and import all the graphics you need for your live programs.

Go visual

With a touch screen control system, your teams can easily produce your live shows or switch to automatic mode to let StudioTalk produce your shows. The system automates the full camera production, sound adjustments as well as graphic insertions.


Meet your audience everywhere and give your programs more visibility. To do this, distribute and enrich your visual radio programs on multiple platforms such as your website, apps, TV or social networks.


Fill out the form and get in touch with our experts!

Noëlle Prat